Car Rental in Egypt

Car Rental Egypt


Discover locations in Egypt

The Arab Republic of Egypt is home to 14 Europcar locations: Five in Cairo, including two at Cairo International Airport; one each in Alexandria and Borg El Arab Airport; one each in Sharm el-Sheikh and its airport; Hurghada and Hurghada Airport; plus Marsa Alam and Luxor International Airports. And, of course, Europcar's huge fleet of modern, safe, and reliable vehicles, which includes models capable of matching any size party or budget, is always available. Choose from optional extra features like child seats, satellite navigation and additional driver cover, plus helpful services like 3-step easy online booking and express pick-up, all there to make sure that whatever challenges meet you during your visit to Egypt, getting around will not be one of them. Europcar's first class customer service is always on hand to help you start your trip off in the smoothest possible way.

There are only a few other human civilisations that can claim as long and illustrious history as Egypt. The Pharaohs, Cleopatra, the Pyramids, Tutankhamen, the Nile, everyone knows most or all of Egypt's famous attributes, and over 15 million people visit the country every year to sample its delights. But it's not just deities and ancient wonders that attract visitors to the land, luxurious coastal resorts like Alexandria on the Mediterranean coast, or Sharm el-Sheikh on the Sinai peninsula bring sun-worshippers from all over the world. Travelling up and own the Nile is a popular vacation activity, as is experiencing the infinite expanse of the desert sands that cover 95% of the country. From the Great Pyramids of Giza, to the Valley of the Kings near Luxor and everything in between, there is nowhere in Egypt that a visitor cannot find a national marvel.

The City of Cairo - One of the busiest and most populous cities in the Middle East, Egypt's capital city of Cairo is filled with colourful characters, an unmistakable energy, 19th century palaces, grand mosques and the route to the Pyramids of Giza, just a dozen miles south east of the city. The 4500 year old site of the Great Pyramids, the Great Sphinx and the many other statues and temples to be found there are one of Cairo, and Egypt's, greatest attractions, but less than 20 miles south of the city is the Saqqara burial ground, that served the ancient Egyptian capital of Memphis, with its own monuments and pyramids, and slightly fewer crowds. Back in the city proper, Cairo is known as the 'world's most 24-hour city' with restaurants, cafés and nightclubs all open well into the night. Egypt is also nearly unique in the Muslim world for allowing casinos.

The Sinai Peninsula - Sandwiched between the Gulf of Suez and Gulf of Aqaba, with the Red Sea stretching down to the south, the Sinai Peninsula has become a popular region for beach resorts, offering endless sun and sand in destinations like Sharm el-Sheikh, Dahab, Nuweiba and Taba. Mount Sinai and Saint Catherine's Monastery are also important religious locations.

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Good to know

Car and van hire at Egypt is made easy with Europcar.

Friendly service, modern fleet and low prices are part of our every day offer. Whether you are hiring a car for business or pleasure, or you need a car, Europcar has the right vehicle at Egypt for you.

Europcar is looking forward to serving you at its rental branch: Egypt. Remember to always bring your driving licence, valid credit card and additional proof of identity (such as a passport if you are hiring abroad).

Europcar’s Green Programme: At Europcar, we understand the environmental impact of car hire. That’s why we have wholeheartedly embraced a sustainable development programme and are proud to be the first car hire company at Egypt with certified commitments.