Europcar Club Hire Terms

The present Terms and Conditions are issued by Europcar Group, Registered in England No 1089053 acting on behalf of itself and its group company, Europcar Group Registered Office: James House, 55 Welford Road, Leicester, LE2 7AR (hereinafter "Europcar") and are effective as of 12th November, 2009

1. Object

The purpose of the present Terms and Conditions is to define the EuropcarClub subscription levels as well as to describe their conditions and implementation rules depending on the subscription level chosen by the Customer and subscribed on the Europcar website, in the "EuropcarClub" section.
These Terms and Conditions enable the Customer to rent Europcar vehicles under preferred rates and conditions on receipt of his/her "EuropcarClub" confirmation email carrying the Customer's Europcar ID. Preferred rates and conditions are only available when rentals are booked in advance with the Europcar ID.

2. Qualification Required

2.1 - To obtain the Card corresponding to the subscription level chosen, the Customer must:
2.1.1 - comply with all the following criteria:
- be a resident of any of the participating countries to the "EuropcarClub" program: Belgium, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom;
- own an email address;
- be eligible to drive a car, as per the "Europcar General Terms and Conditions" which define, per rental country, the minimum age of the driver, the validity conditions of his/her driving licence, and the authorised means of payment.
These "Europcar General Terms and Conditions" are available at all times in the footer (bottom section of the page) of the Europcar country websites under "Terms & Conditions".
- be an individual driver with no corporate agreement attached to his/her Europcar ID as the "EuropcarClub" advantages cannot be used in conjunction with other rate benefits, or any other promotion, or offer ;
- Create or update his/her Europcar ID online on via the "My Europcar" section,
- Own a credit card accepted by Europcar as mentioned in the "EuropcarClub section" of the Europcar site
- pay online the "Subscription Fee" (the customer ID and credit card details are encrypted by our servers and our secured payment partner "Paybox" services.)
2.1.2 - Confirmation of subscription:
On receipt of the payment confirmation, Europcar will send a confirmation email to the email address entered by the customer in the "My Europcar" form.
2.2 - Refusal of the subscription - Withdrawal
Refusal of the subscription
Europcar reserves the right to refuse the Customer's subscription to the "EuropcarClub".
The Customer may cancel his/her subscription in writing within fourteen (14) working days after receipt of Europcar's subscription confirmation email. This cancellation should be sent to Europcar Group UK Limited, James House, 55 Welford Road, Leicester, LE2 7AR and we recommend that the Customer obtains proof of postage. In the event this period of fourteen (14) working days expires on a Saturday, a Sunday or a public holiday, it is extended until the first next working day.
If such cancellation occurs, the Customer will be reimbursed fully via his/her credit card. If the Customer has received his/her EuropcarClub membership card prior to cancellation, the Customer must return it to the same Europcar address immediately. Europcar will not reimburse the cost of postage.

3. Effective Date / Length of the Subscription - Cancellation

3.1- Effective Date / Length of the Subscription
The subscription is effective on the date of the subscription confirmation email and will be valid for a duration of one (1) year.
Modification of subscription level is possible in accordance with the terms described in point 6 below.
The subscription is effective for the benefit only of the person named on the form who must also be the cardholder of the credit card used for the subscription payment.
3.2- Cancellation
If one of the conditions described in point 2.1 above is not complied with, Europcar reserves the right to cancel the "EuropcarClub" card.
The "EuropcarClub" card ("the Card") is issued in the name of the Customer and is strictly personal and non transferable: any usage by any third party will entitle Europcar to cancel it without a refund.
Each Customer is responsible for the usage of his/her Card and will bear any consequences linked to its usage.
The Customer must inform Europcar immediately of any change in his/her personal situation by updating his/her profile in the "My Europcar section" of
In all cases, the Customer must use the Europcar website in accordance with its terms of use. The Customer is responsible for the confidentiality and security of his/her personal login password on the website. The Customer agrees to indemnify Europcar against any loss or damage arising as a result of a potential misuse by any third party.

4. Functioning Details

4.1 Benefits
Europcar is supplying the Customer with a global service offer which will enable him/her, on receipt of the Card to benefit in the participating countries from the specific "EuropcarClub" rates and conditions described thereafter which are applicable throughout the validity of the subscription.
4.2 Europcar participating stations
EuropcarClub's participating countries for membership are: Belgium, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom.
4.3 Advance reservation
Advance reservation and Europcar ID sign-on are mandatory to benefit from the "EuropcarClub" advantages. Europcar will only confirm categories of vehicles, as opposed to specific vehicle models.
Advance reservations should be made online on in the dedicated EuropcarClub section entering the Customer's Europcar ID and password in the log in section.
Any booking with the pay online rate option will be automatically debited via the credit card details entered by the Customer at the time of subscription. These credit card details can be updated at all times in the My Europcar section of
4.4 Rental process
At the time of rental, the Card must be presented and the credit card entered / updated at time of subscription will be debited unless another means of payment is presented on return of the vehicle in which case the "EuropcarClub" member must be the cardholder of that other means of payment.
4.5 Loss of the "EuropcarClub" Card
In case of loss or theft of the Card, the cardholder must inform Europcar in writing, sent to the address mentioned in point 2.2 and specifying his/her Europcar ID. We recommend that the Customer obtains proof of postage. The Customer is responsible for any use of the Card for up to the date of receipt by EUROPCAR of their letter.
A new EuropcarClub card will then be sent to the Customer with the same expiry date.
4.6 Rental conditions
For all rentals made during his/her "EuropcarClub" subscription, the Customer must comply with the rental conditions together with any insurance and qualifications terms and conditions in place in the destination chosen which can be consulted at any time on the Europcar website for the rental destination and which are also displayed on the rental agreement at time of pick-up. For each start of rental or modification during rental, a rental agreement will be presented to the Customer for his/her signature. The rental agreement will contain additional terms and conditions by which the Customer will be bound. The Customer must also comply with the qualification rules in place per vehicle group.

5. Advantages

The "EuropcarClub" subscription, whatever the subscription level chosen, offers the reservation guarantee for all rentals in the country of residence of the cardholder and for any advance booking made twenty-four (24hrs) hours or more before the start of the rental together with the following benefits:
- Exclusive EuropcarClub car rental rates in the following participating countries: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom
- Discounted rates on van hire in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom:
10% off Europcar's best pay on arrival public rate
- Discounted car rental rates in the rest of the Europcar Worldwide network: 10% off Europcar's best pay on arrival public rate
- free drop off in mainland stations within the same country;
- limited coverage for damage (CDW) and Theft (TW):
- CDW (Collision / Damage Waiver): If chosen and indicated in the rental agreement or if included in the rate, this facility will limit your liability for any damage to the Vehicle which is not otherwise recovered from a third party, subject to the Non-Waivable Charge. Exceptions to this regulation may apply in some countries.
- TW / TP (Theft Waiver / Theft Protection): If chosen and indicated in the enrolment form or if included in the rate, this relieves you of your financial liability in the event of the Vehicle being stolen, except where incurred through negligence and/or breach of contract.
- waived (free of charge) airport and railway surcharge in relevant stations;
- fast counter "Ready Service" which pre-prints the Rental Agreement prior to the Customer's arrival at the counter in the participating Ready stations the list of which can be downloaded from the "Ready stations" section in the "Europcar Club" internet pages;
- free GPS if booked in advance;
The "EuropcarClub" advantages cannot be used in conjunction with any of "Europcar's Frequent Traveller" partner programmes advantages (such as airlines and hotels).

6. Subscription Level Details

The price for each subscription level, which can be modified by Europcar without prior notice except for ongoing subscriptions, is as follows:
- Easy: £99 per year. Depending on the country there may be 2 levels of Easy rental rates according to the high and low season period according to the Customer's destination country: Portugal Low:1st June to 30th June and 1st Sept to 15th Dec / High: 1st July to 30th Sept and 16th Dec to 31st Dec; Belgium and Germany: no seasonal rates; Spain Low: 1
Jan to 30
Jun and 1
Sept -to 31
Dec / High: 1
July -to 31
Aug; Italy Low: 1
Sept to 25
March and 12
April to 30
Jun / High: 27
March -to 11
Apr and 1st July to 31st Aug; France Low: 1st sept to 10th April / High: 11th Apr to 31st Aug; UK Low: 1st Jan - 8th Apr / High 9th Apr - 31st Dec
- Premium: £720 per year. One single level of rental rates whatever the season throughout the validity period and preferred rates on "Prestige" / Luxury vehicles.
By choosing one of the subscription options, the Customer expressly accepts the applicable hourly or daily rate established according to the vehicle groups for durations during week-end, week, month (28 days maximum).
Rates are guaranteed for one (1) year as of the date of the subscription and can be downloaded in PDF format from the "EuropcarClub" section on

7. Termination

The subscription can be terminated as follows:
- by either Party:
In the event of a breach of one or more of its obligations under these Terms and Conditions, the subscription will be terminated fifteen (15) days after notification in writing is sent via recorded delivery to the defaulting Party
- by Europcar:
In the event of non payment of any of the rentals and/or non compliance with any of the above conditions by the Customer, including non-compliance with the rental conditions in place in the rental destination. This will result in the termination of the subscription and the immediate cancellation of the EuropcarClub card with all benefits attached.
In the event the Customer's credit card expires before the end of the subscription expiry date, the Customer will be notified by email and when logging onto "My Europcar" must update the credit card details information in the "My Europcar section" of If this update is not performed the subscription will terminate on the last day of the month of the credit card expiry date.

8. Disputes - Jurisdiction

The present Terms and Conditions are construed under the Laws of England and Wales Both parties commit to first attempt to reach an agreement in case of any dispute(s) encountered in implementing the present Terms and Conditions. In the event the Parties do not succeed in finding an amicable agreement, dispute(s) shall then be submitted to the jurisdiction of the English Courts.

10. Data Protection Law

The information required on the enrolment / update "My Europcar" form is mandatory to create / update the Customer's Europcar ID and issue the Card related to the benefits of the chosen subscription level. If such information is not provided, it will not be possible for Europcar to honour the subscription request.
The information gathered is to be used by the Europcar companies belonging to the Europcar Group and is stored in Europcar's information systems to implement the advantages linked to the subscription and enable Europcar to issue the Card. Your details will not be used for marketing purposes.
Under the Data Protection Act 1998, you have a right to access, update, correct or delete personal data collected by us. You may exercise these rights by writing to : Europcar Group UK Limited, James House, 55 Welford Road, Leicester, LE2 7AR